Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sustainable Fabric Collective

I guess it's hard to believe you're reading a new post from me.  I's been ages! Along with most people I know, my life has been incredibly busy since about February, so thank heavens for this Easter break.

I do have something newsworthy to share though....
I've been working with some colleagues on a new project, that's been in the pipelines for months

The Eco Collective is a collaborative effort between Philipa Wilkinson,  Sophie Seeger and Karen Brock

Aligned with the Hemp Gallery, the experts in sustainable hemp products; The Eco Collective will produce inspiring ranges that work across all soft-furnishings – from themed designs; Australian botanicals, to Indigenous-inspired abstracts; the artworks of the three designers will interact and interplay in composition and colour – offering interior designers and architects a beautiful and inspiring comprehensive range to work with; from one-off pieces, to holistic design in eco development projects.

Here's a glimpse...

Mulga by Sophie Seeger, Sprigs by PipWilly and Samphire by Karen Brock

Canopy by Pip Willy

Rivers and Mangroves by Sophie Seeger
Stems by Karen Brock

And there's a whole lot more to see.....

We'll be at the Eco Xpo held at The Byron Kennedy Hall, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park from 6 - 8 May 2011.

The Eco Xpo is a unique experience, a fun and learning event, suitable for the whole family.
Exhibitors participating adhere to certified organic and good environmental practice.
Hope to see you there.


  1. Hey Karen, you haven't been around for a while. this sounds like a fantastic project to be involved in, all the best with it.

    Remind me, cos I'm a bit blank at the moment - Philip Wilkinson (Pip Willy) ??? from Design Institute of Aus (DIA)?

    Good luck at the trade show in May. I must get back into my screen printing, lots of other things taking me away from it at the moment...T

  2. Well done! Sounds great, good luck with it all :)

  3. Philippa Wilkinson is a NSW Textiles Councillor from the DIA. The Design Institute of Australia promotes the value of design and designers to industry, business, government and the community.

    Thank you for your best wishes.

  4. Just realized I typed Phillip instead of Phillipa...I think I was still in Royal wedding lead up mode at the time...LOL
